Verstaile Bollywood actress and Television host Kirron Kher is the latest among the celebs to join the Twitterland. Kirron, who is also contesting as a candidate for Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) from Chandigarh for Lok Sabha, feels that social networking would be an excellent way to a build direction connection with the masses.
The lady who makes amazing on screen presence with her charming persona tweeted – “Time i get on Twitter and make direct connection with all of you! I’m the BJP candidate from Chandigarh. Need all your support and best wishes”
The 58 year old is now in Chandigarh, actively participating in election campaign. She is accompanied by husband Anupam Kher, an active Twitter celeb. Born and raised in Chandigarh, Kirron is alive and happy to contest from home ground.
We wish Kirron a happy outcome with her campaign!