Allari Naresh’s new film ‘Kathi Kantha Rao’ has completed the shooting part. Movie makers are planning to release this movie on November 5th on the occasion of Diwali. The audio will be released in this month.Kathi Kantha Rao is produced by E. Srinivas, E. Poornachandra Rao, E. Ravi Kumar, E. Subrahmanyeswara Rao. It is being directed by EVV Satyanarayana. Kamna Jethmalani is pairing with Naresh for the second time in this film, after Bendu Apparao movie.
The producers said, “Kathi Kantha Rao is based on a hilarious theme which is crafted in such a way that the entire family could watch it and enjoy. Currently the film is undergoing the post-production procedure.