Karunas to Resign to Nadigar Sangam

Tamil comedian Karunas, who was elected as the Vice President of the Nadigar Sangam in the recent elections, said that he will soon resign to the post.

Karunas To Resign Nadigar Sangam
Karunas To Resign Nadigar Sangam

Karunas took this decision after he was elected as an MLA in the recently held Tamil Nadu Assembly polls. As he found to manage the two positions a herculean task, he has decided to continue as a full time politician by resigning to Nadigar Sangam.

He added that he has resolved many of the issues of Sangam during his short tenure. He reminded how he toured the villages ahead of the elections to know the issues of people and how he conducted the celebrity cricket league to raise funds for the construction of Sangam building.

Karunas added that he will work for welfare of the people of his constituency with the same vigor from now on wards.

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