Kareena Kapoor created quite a mess for herself last week when she said that she didn’t know who actor Surya was. She was responding to media questions about the rumours that she is doing an item number in Surya’s upcoming movie Anjaan.
The actress responded haughtily and stated, “I don’t know where such baseless stories come from. I haven’t signed any such film. I don’t even know who Surya and Linguswamy are. I’ve never seen them. I’ve zero interest in acting in non-Hindi films whether it is down South or in Hollywood.”
This, of course, hurt the sentiments of the millions of Surya fans and they made themselves heard through the actress’s social media pages.
Now, Kareena has stepped forward to clear up the chain of misunderstandings that began with the April fool’s story about her working in Anjaan that spread like wildfire.
“When I said I don’t know Surya, what I meant was that I haven’t seen him face to face. Of course I know of him. He is one of the biggest stars in the Tamil industry and I have deep respect for his standing in the business. In fact, I’m doing the Hindi sequel of Singham, which Surya made originally in Tamil.”
Thus, one hopes, ends the week long furore caused by a mistaken spoof story and a few careless words.