Bollywood sexy actress Kangna Ranaut will soon be seen in a film ‘Tanu weds Manu’ with hero Madhavan. For a promotional purpose of ‘Tanu weds Manu’ director Anand L Rai got Kangna and Madhavan to shoot a music video featuring Mika, where she was asked to lip-lock singer Mika who has lend his voice for the song but Kangana straightway refused saying that she is not Rakhi Sawant.
A source reveals, "Since the song has a crazy, wild and energetic vibe, the director Aanand L Rai decided to shoot it in wacky style too.He came up with an idea for Kangna to dance with Mika in the Baraat with the video culminating with him kissing her in his infamous Rakhi Sawant style." Kangana shot the music video with full zeal but did not give to the director’s demand. She said in disgust, "I am not Rakhi Sawant to do some thing like this". Kangna simply says, "I was not comfortable kissing for a music video."