At a press meet held yesterday in Mumbai, actress Kangana Ranaut playfully pointed a gun at VirDas, her co-star in the film Revolver Rani. Kangana, who was dressed awesomely in a lime green Burberry dress with pale pink belt and matching pumps looked every bit opposite of the role she will be seen in the movie.
Ranaut is going places, especially after her last film Queen wowed the audience with her mind blowing performance on screen. Kangana is unfazed with the sudden bout of success and lately shared with the press that it was an eight long year struggle and she remembers where she has come from.
Making a smashing entry with an unconventional role in the film Gangster, Kangana always showcased the best of the acting abilities in all her films. The actress stated that Revolver Rani will be a cut apart from all the roles that she had played till date.
The movie that is heavily based on the dacoits and gangsters will see Kangana playing the female dacoit, something that a conventional Bollywood actress will always fear to take up at the prime of her career. The actress recently shared with PTI that nobody will marry her after watching her in Revolver Rani.
Revolver Rani is a comedy drama that stars Kangana Ranaut, Vir Das, Piyush Mishra and Zakir Hussain in the main cast. Directed by Sai Kabir Shrivastav, the film is set to release on April 25th Worldwide.