The handsome hero of Tollywood, Kamal Kamaraju, tied the knot yesterday with his fiance Supriya. The wedding was a grand affair that was held in the city, with who’s who gracing the occasion and blessing the newly weds. Well known directors like Sekhar Kammula and Satish Kasetty were seen at the event, showering their wishes to the couple. The ceremony was held in a Bengali style, following traditions from the bride’s side. Wedding reception followed, midst some riveting live music, smiling faces and an ambiance that emulated romance.
Kamal shot to fame with the film ‘Avakai Biryani‘, after which he went on to do some memorable roles in films like Godavari, Virodhi, Arrvind2 and Ayiram Vilakku (Tamil). Known for his great talent into painting and architecture apart from acting, Kamal had won many a hearts with his down to earth, modest demeanor.
Here is wishing the young couple a happy married life!