Bollywood hero Naseeruddin Shah ’s son Vivaan Shah revealed the hottest information to the media. He stated that he is dating Akshara Hassan from the past 2 years. He even mentioned that this relationship no more exists as they went on for breakup.
From the past few years, Akshara Hassan and Vivaan Shah have been spotted in various events and parties. They remained tight lipped on this aspect, before the media. Now, Vivaan Shah came out to be the media and revealed the hot secret. Akshara Hassan is yet to speak on this topic.
At present, Akshara Hassan is working for the venture “Shamithab” along with Dhanush while Vivaan Shah is set to rock Bollywood with Sharukh Khan’s venture “Happy New Year”. Looks like, this pair was not matured at that time and now as they came to some conclusion on their film career, they kept dating aside and are concentrating on films. Anyways, all the best buddies!