If the reports are to go with, director Teja seems to have struck gold with his next film’s casting. None other than Kamal Haasan is likely to star in his next film, confirm some sources. Teja, who is well known for his own brand of films in the past like Jayam, NuvvuNenu and 1000 Abaddalu, recently met Kamal and narrated a story to the Padma Bhushan awardee. Kamal was impressed with the storyline and had given a nod for the project. Needless to say, the film will be a bilingual.
It would be interesting to know what the storyline would be like that has fetched someone like Kamal to say a Yes. Unconventional plots, brave leading ladies and soulful renditions often constitute a Teja directorial.
More details regarding the title, cast and other details are yet to be revealed by the fim crew. If this happens, Kamal Haasan will return to the Telugu marquee after quite a long hiatus. Kamal, who is currently shooting for Uttama Villain in Bangalore, is yet to give his dates to Teja.
Kamal Haasan’s Uttama Villain in Tamil is directed by Ramesh Arvind and is set to release in September this year.