Popular actress Kajal Aggarwal, who cleared the air recently about her marriage is back in the news for her relationship with a Mumbai based businessman, who is the CEO of an interior designing company. Kajal recently said that she doesn’t have time to think about marriage and said that she would tie the knot after 2 years and presently focusing on career.
Now the latest buzz is that Kajal is in love with a Mumbai-based businessman and both were spent some quality time in Dubai on Valentines Day and few pics of the actress also making rounds on Web. Another buzz is that Kajal meeting her Boyfriend only outside India to avoid the media attention. However, few pics were leaked on web.
Kajal sister Nisha Aggarwal also gets married recently with a Mumbai entrepreneur and now Kajal also following the same way of Nisha. However, Kajal not revealed the truth behind the photos and her relation with a businessman.
Kajal Aggarwal is currently acting opposite Ram Charan under Krishna Vamsi direction.