A few days back, Ohmkar has launched the third installment of his successful directorial franchise, Raju Gari Gadhi. Tamannaah was announced as the lead in the film and the actress had also attended the pooja ceremony. Everything went fine until Tamanaah walked out of the project suddenly
Apparently, the last minute changes in the script are the reason for her exit from the film. Left with no other choice, the makers started hunting for the new actress. At first, it was reported that Taapsee Pannu will be doing that role but now we are hearing that Kajal Aggarwal has been finalized.
Currently, Kajal has only Telugu film in hand, which is Ranarangam. As her dates are available, the makers have approached her and the latter has apparently accepted it immediately. Moreover, we have never seen Kajal in a horror film and it will be interesting to watch her in this movie. More details about this news are expected to be out soon.