Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Tho Aisa Laga is the upcoming film in the Bollywood film industry. The film is said to be a romantic entertainer which is going to have a great love story. Sonam Kapoor is playing the leading lady in the film and Anil Kapoor and Raj Kumar Rao are also a part of the project. This is the first film that Sonam Kapoor is going to act along with her dad Anil Kapoor.
The makers recently launched the teaser of the film and it starts with Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Tho Aisa Laga tune that was from 1942 A Love Story. The film’s teaser was set against the backdrop of a Punjabi wedding. There are a lot of emotional sequences in the teaser which will certainly increase the expectations of the project. Juhi Chawla is paired alongside Anil Kapoor and she is acting in this film almost after a decade. Shirley Chopra is the director of the film. Raj Kumar Hirani films, Fox Studios, and Vinodh Chopra films have produced the movie. The film is scheduled for a grand release on October 12th.