Young tiger Jr NTR is presently busy with the shooting of his upcoming film "Dhammu", which is progressing in Kerala presently.He also has signed a new film in the direction of Sreenu Vytla, which is going to hit the floors soon after the actor completes the shooting of Dhammu movie.Earlier we heard that film makers considered the title "Action" for this project and the tag line is ‘with entertainment’.
Now the latest news is that for this film another title "Badshaw" also under consideration by the film makers, but nothing has been confirmed so far. This news also informed by the noted story and Screen play writer Gopimohan on his Twitter page.He is providing the script for this flick.
Gopimohan tweeted “ Final Decision not yet taken on Action or Badshaw title.Will let u know once finalized.We r working on story now.Many good things happening.”
He further tweeted that "Dear friends/ntr fans,please give us some time to decide on title.Our aim now is to deliver a good subject to deliver a big cool :)"