As per the sources young tiger junior NTR’s upcoming film "Shakthi" will be dubbed in Tamil. Presently Shakthi movie shooting is going in brisk pace; soon it will complete its shooting part. With this Shakthi Jr NTR will going to grace the Kollywood screens. Ileana is playing the female lead in this film and she is a known face to Kollywood.
Shakthi is going to be the highest budget ever in Telugu cinema. The film is touted to be a highest budget one with a whooping budget of 45 crores in Jr NTR’s career so far.‘ Shakthi’ is being made on highest technical values with loads of graphics.
It is being directed by Meher Ramesh and produced by C Aswinidutt under Vyjayanthi movies banner. The film makers are planning to dub the film with the same title in Tamil also.