Recently Chitramala stated that Young tiger Jr NTR’s new film under Surendar Reddy direction is tentatively titled as Rachcha. Now this title is in trouble this title was registered by a young director Sampath Nandi. Sampath Nandi is presently directing his fist film in Telugu titled Emaindi Eevela with hero Varun Sandesh, which is slated to release on November 12th..
Sampath Nandi also renewed this title twice as he feels that it is an apt title for the film which he is supposed to do a film with mass hero in future.
Director Surendar Reddy after considering various titles like Athade Aame Sainyam and Oosaravelli later he considered "Rachcha" is an apt title with catchy, but it is not confirmed yet.
We have to wait and see whether Jr NTR also come up with the title "Jr NTR’s Rachcha" by adding his name to before Rachcha title like Mahesh Khaleja and Kalyan Ram Kathi.