Atlee Kumar is the talented director in Kollywood film industry. Having made his debut as a director with the film Raja Rani, Atlee Kumar grabbed the attention of everyone in a short time. He immediately worked with Ilayathalapathy Vijay for the films Theri and Mersal. Now, he is all set to direct another film with the star hero.
Meanwhile, the film fraternity is shocked to come across a junior artist making some sexual harassment allegations on the director. The junior artist alleged that the director abused her in a manner that is completely objectionable. She revealed that it happened during the shoot of the ongoing project of Vijay Movie, in Atlee’s direction.
The junior artist complained to the city commissioner saying that Atlee treated her in a poor manner. She said that it took place on 13th April and added that she only asked to provide basic necessities like proper bathrooms on the sets. “Instead of providing the amenities for us, he abused me and sent me away from the sets.” said the junior artist.