Bollywood actor John Abraham has filed an appeal against his conviction by a court here in a case of rash and negligent driving.
On October 14, the Bandra Magistrate Court had sentenced the actor to fifteen days’ simple imprisonment in a 2006 accident case. He was immediately released on bail of Rs 1500 by the court after imposing a fine of the same amount on him.
Abraham’s motorbike had skidded and knocked down two persons in suburban Khar on April 7, 2006. He had then taken the Shyam Kasbe and Tanmay Majhi to the hospital. The duo was discharged later.
The actor too was injured in the accident. A case of rash and negligent driving was filed against him.
According to his appeal-petition in the sessions court, the victims’ statements did not indicate that Abraham was at fault.(PTI)