The Tamil movie industry is buzzing with the news or rather the rumour that actor Jai is planning on converting to Islam. In fact, it has been reported that the young actor has been following the religion for the past year and had even kept fast during Ramzan. Sources also say he visits the durgah on Fridays without fail. However, people close to Jai have denied the so called ‘conversion’ rumours.
The rumour mill has since gone in to full swing and now there are unsubstantiated claims that the promising Raja Rani actor’s conversion has to do with his secret love for a girl! And who may the current candidates be?
Well, the no. 1 person of interest in the public’s mind is Malayali actress Nazriya Nazim. Yes, that’s right: it has been said that Jai had a secret crush on the young starlet and his sudden shift in to the faith of Islam has to do with Nazriya, who has, by the way, gone on to be engaged to Malayali actor Fahad Fazil and is to be wed to him in August this year. Does Jai’s enthusiasm to embrace the new faith have anything to do with the Muslim beauty who might have stolen his affections? We’re still unclear on that.
They had worked together in A R Murgadoss’s Raja Rani and are currently ‘working together’, in another flick titled Thirumanam Enum Nikkah. At least, Jai is said to be helping the actress with the her lines in this one.
The second candidate to enter this rather dramatic scenario is biker Alisha Abdullah. Jai had been seen with her at a racing event in the recent past.
Whatever the case maybe, Jai’s fans have already started showing their support for the actor and any choice he makes regardless of their own personal belief systems.
Another recent conversion to Islam that had the Kollywood industry talking was that of music director Yuvan Sankar Raja’s. The talented composer is the son of the legendary maestro Ilayaraja.