The problem or rather the crisis rocking Malayalam cinema industry still continues with FEFKA in one corner and the FEF in the other, both refusing to throw in the towel. And now, Liberty Basheer, the man leading the FEF in this war as its President has proclaimed that veteran comedic actor Innocent, who is the President of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) and also a contestant this year in the Lok Sabha elections, is the root cause of all problems in the Kerala film industry and is to blame for ‘everything’!
The original problem arose when the Film Exhibiters Federation, comprising mostly of theatre owners, decided that they wouldn’t screen director B Unnikrishnan’s Mohanlal starrer flick Mr Fraud, which was set to be released on May 8, in any of their theatres. The reason for this which has to do with B Unnikrishnan’s disrespectful and rude attitude or behaviour against Basheer or something of the sort, still remains unclear to many.
B Unnikrishnan, who just so happened to be the General Secretary of the Film Employees Federation of Kerala or FEFKA, rallied the support of his own organization and has declared that from May 8 onwards no new Malayalam movie will be released in any theatres until his own one is screened… and now we have standoff with neither parties budging from their stand.
Liberty Basheer, who had previously made such threats against another movie – director Blessy’s Kalimannu – thought it fit to state to the media now that actor Innocent always has been and will be the real problem causer in the industry and if anyone should be banned its him.
“He carries a lot of negativity with him,” said Basheer. It is worth mentioning that such accusations were levelled against Innocent a few years ago by director Vinayan too, and just like then, the actor turned politician has chosen silence over responding to the loud allegations.
Where this will lead and what will happen come May 8 – will Mr Fraud be on screen or will there be a dry spell for the fans in the subsequent days?
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