No India program for Sylvester Stallion?

Telugu I Movie Audio Launch Date

It is known that Sylvester Stallion is expected to visit India on the occasion of “I” audio launch. This buzz has been on the headlines from the past few days but it never got materialized. In this scenario, a sensational news broke out to the media. It seems that “I” movie makers are planning to release the premieres of this venture in US and Singapore.

Sylvester Stallion has reportedly agreed to attend the premiere show of “I” in US. This might also mean that he is planning to skip India tour. “Will Sylvester comes down to India for the audio launch of this venture?” turned out to be a question to the audience.

Several people in India are dreaming to see their star in real with the help of “I” audio release and this decision may shock and disappointed audience in India. For the audience in US, it might be a treat!

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