Shortly after launching the trailer of the Hindi version for Hollywood animation film Rio2, Imran Khan opened up with the media about his plans. Launching a Hollywood film propelled the press to ask him that million dollar question – If Imran Khan aspires to act in a Hollywood film?
Imran Khan gave a surprising, yet sensible response to that – “I absolutely have no interest in working in Hollywood. I think the Indian actors get to be the nurse, someone who repairs the computer or hero’s roommate etc., I think the Hollywood filmmakers don’t write good roles for Indians” he said, while speaking to PTI.
This was the view despite many great Indian stars like Naseeruddin Shah, Amitabh Bachchan, Irrfan Khan and Anil Kapoor have previously willingly gone out of their star element to play a role in the international scene.
Every actor will make a choice that is correct for them. The kinds of roles that are offered to Indian actors are not very interesting. With no disrespect to anyone I think one gets to do a glorified special appearance. So no interest. I am very happy to work in India” Imran added.
As to whether Imran will play a good role when offered by Hollywood makers, the star said that he would love to, but it is unlikely for that to happen. He expressed that Hollywood guys come to Indian actors only when they have to sell their film in Hindi.
Imran has rendered his voice for Hindi dubbing for Blu, a character in Rio 2. Dubbing for an animated film was fun for the actor.
“It was a little odd because normally when you are dubbing, you are seeing your own face. You have to match it to the timing. The first day I had to guess when to move my lips and when to speak so it matches correctly” he said.