Andala Khazana Ileana, who rocked Tollywood with the films Pokiri and Kick, is all set to enter the Bollywood soon. As per the sources Ileana has signed a Hindi film that too,with bollywood hearthrob Ranbir Kapoor and the movie has been titled as Barfi. Anurag Basu is directing this film.
Interestingly, Barfi was earlier titled Silence. Ranbir’s character has been inspired from Charlie Chaplin and Rowan Atkinson. The film is a two-heroine project and while speculation is on whether Priyanka Chopra or Asin will play the lead in Barfi, Ileana is surely playing the second lead in the film.”
Ileana is currently busy with shooting of two films in Tollywood one with hero Rana in “Nenu Na Rakshashi” and another with Jr NTR in Shakthi. Another movie is also in pipeline that is a remake of Bollywood’s 3 Idiots, with Mahesh Babu.