How Chaitu Made Nagarjuna Cry?

Nagarjuna Akkineni himself revealed that his elder son Naga Chaitanya has recently made him cry.

The reason is not “Samantha” but his upcoming film ‘Saahasam Swaasaga Saagipo’. Speaking at the audio launch event of SSS, Nag said that he wept like a baby after listening to the songs composed by AR Rahman for the film. He added that although all the songs were great, ‘Vellipomake’ song especially brought tears in his eyes as he got connected with the lyrics and mood.

Chaitu Makes Nagarjuna Cry
Chaitu Makes Nagarjuna Cry

Nag added that he feels a bit professional jealousy with his son as he has worked with AR Rahman twice already whereas he could rope in the master for only one of his film, ‘Rakshakudu.’ However, Nag also feels proud of Chaitanya’s achievement.

Directed by Gautham Menon, SSS stars Malayalam actress Manjima Mohan as the leading lady of the romantic drama slated for release in July month.

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