Adding a new update to the sensational suicide of actress Jiah Khan, High Court instructed the late actor’s mom, Rabbiya Khan to approach the Mumbai Police Commissioner with all her grievances stating that police had earlier ignored forensic evidence crucial to the case of her daughter.
Rabbiya Khan protested that her daughter was murdered and it was not a suicide. Rabbiya also has a potential forensic and medical evidence to indicate the same that will be further probed by a Special Investigation Team or CBI as demanded by the Court.
“You may approach the Police Commissioner with all your grievances and provide whatever evidence you may have in this regard” said Justice Naresh Patil, at a hearing today. The case has been deferred to May 8 until which time police will examine the evidence submitted by the mother.
Polica had already filed a charge sheet in the trial court naming Sooraj Pancholi as the prime accused for abetting the murder of Jiah Khan. The couple was dating till trouble broke in the relationship, hinting that this could have possible killed Jiah someway.
Rabbiya Khan never accepted the fact that her daughter resorted to the desperate measures. She is still confident that Sooraj is the man behind the whole tragedy. Sooraj Pancholi, son of actor Aditya Pancholi is soon to make his debut as an actor in Bollywood. He has been currently let off from the charges due to the lack of potential evidence against him.