Juam and Mauro, a gay couple from Spain, kiss their new borns. Legal experts say that surrogacy by foreigners is taking place in India under the Indian Guardianship and Wards Act 1890, where the surrogate parents are given the status of guardians applying the adoption provision.
The couple with their babies. Gay rights activists see this as an important step towards securing their rights as it will start an era of same sex parenting. And new legal provisions are likely to make this surrogacy easier.
Juam and Mauro wanted their children to retain their Indian roots and hence named them Jaya and Uma.
The couple feed the babies every three hours and look every inch the proud parents they are. The two got married last year and are now all set to enjoy parenthood thanks to assisted reproductive technique (ART) used at a fertility centre in the capital. One of the partners gave his sperm which was fertilized artificially with donor eggs and then put in a surrogate mother who delivered the twins recently.