It was only yesterday that Gautham Menon launched his Ajith Kumar project in Kollywood, named ‘Thala 55’ at a low key function in Chennai. The numerous Ajith fans, however, who had been eagerly waiting for the event in the hopes of getting a few details on the cast and crew of the flick, were left disappointed.
Ajith himself skipped the event and Gautham remained silent to all the enthusiastic questions form the fan community. He had earlier held out a taunting treat to them when he released a statement telling them that there would be many surprises in store for them.
Their unanswered questions seem to be bothering the fans. The music for the move might be composed by either A R Rahman or Harris Jayaraj. Harris and Gautham had had a falling out a few years back but now, they seem to be getting along again. Harris had previously refused to work on Gautham’s projects.
The lead female role also remains a mystery as the only know variable is that Anushka Sharma would play a pivotal role in the movie. However, recent rumours that Trish Krishnan might also be in the play for a role has aroused everyone’s curiosity. Trisha has worked with Gautham in the hit Vinnaithandi Varuvaaya and with Ajith in the 2011 blockbuster Mankatha.
Thala 55, though it may be for the wrong reasons, is getting quite a lot of buzz. After all, as they say, there is nothing called ‘bad’ publicity..