Taapsee is coming up with a horror thriller film called Game Over, which is slated to release on June 14. The film is directed by Ashwin Saravanan, who earlier directed impressive horror drama Maya(Mayuri) with Nayanthara. Now, he is experimenting with the same genre once again.
The theatrical trailer of the film was released recently and got a good response from the audience. Taapsee will be seen in two different physical stages in the movie. During the latter half, she will be seen as a wheelchair-ridden patient who experiences eerie things at her home.
Meanwhile, the film is being released in a massive way. Producer Sasikanth will be releasing in Tamil and Telugu and renowned director Anurag Kashyap is presenting it in Hindi. It will be released in 1200 screens throughout the country, considering it as a female-oriented film. Thus, we have to see how far it will live up to the expectations put on it.