This is the first look of Fugly, produced by Akshay Kumar. The film stars Vijender Singh, Olympic medal winner and boxer of the Nation, marking his entry into Bollywood. The film stars Mohit Warwah, Sonam kappor’s cousin, Arif Lamba and Kiara Advani in the four main leading roles. The film directed by actor turned director Kabir Sadanand is a simple story of fun that turns exciting in the wake of burning corruption in the country. An interesting story told in an impressive way, say the film unit about the movie that has all the new faces.
Jimmy Sheirgill plays a special role in the film that addresses social issues like extortion, murder and dirty politics swaying the Country.
This is a good opening for Vijender Singh, who is already popular with the young masses with his looks and skills.
The movie was originally scheduled for a May 16th release but was pushed ahead to accommodate Tiger Shroff’s debut in Heropanti. Fugly will release on June 13th
Akshay Kumar has two big projects lined this year; Gabbar opposite Kareena Kapoor and Soldier opposite Sonakshi Sinha. Both the projects are currently under production and are said to be commercial front runners at Box Office.