Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi has revealed the title of his book ‘The Kiss of Life: How A Superhero and My Son Defeated Cancer.”
This very first book penned by the actor chronicles his son’s struggle with the dreaded disease, cancer. The 36-year-old star hero thanked his publishers and co-writer of the book for helping him share the dreaded experience of his son while he was undergoing treatment.
“So happy to announce the title of my book… ‘The Kiss of Life: How A Superhero and My Son Defeated Cancer’. Book will release in English, Hindi and Marathi… Will update you all on the release dates soon,” tweeted Emraan.
On film front, Emraan Hashmi will be next seen in “Azhar”. The film is a biopic on former Indian captain Mohammed Azharuddin and it has Emraan playing the titular role.