Prince Mahesh Babu’s new film "Dookudu" shooting presently going on in Turkey. As per the sources in first schedule of Turkey, film unit will shot a few action sequences and a song on Mahesh and Samantha.After completion of Turkey schedule film unit will move to Dubai and Gujarat for its next schedule. ‘Dookudu’ is said to be an action-based romantic entertainer. Prince Mahesh Babu will appear in a different style of entertainment in this film.
The movie is directed by Sreenu vytla and produced by Ram Achanta, Gopichand Achanta and Anil Sunkara on the banner of 14 Reels Entertainment Pvt Ltd. Samantha playing the female lead role and Happy days fame Sonia is playing an important role in Mahesh Babu’s Dookudu. Thaman S is composing music.