Veteran actor Dilip Kumar turns 91 today. The actor was temporarily ill in september, recuperating at Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai. One of the living legends of Indian Cinema, Dilip Kumar had an illustrious acting career spanning six decades, rising brick by brick.
Megastar Amitabh bachchan had described him to be one of the greatest actor ever. married to actress of yesteryears, Saira Banu, Dilip Kumar acted in some great films in Hindi that are cherished till date. Known to be a tragedy king, his role as Devdas is extremely popular and has become an iconic role of sorts.
His other popular films include Jugnu, Mela, Shabnam, Andaz, Babul, Arzoo, Aan, Footpath, Naya Daur, Kranthi, Vidhaata to name a few.
Chitramala wishes the legend a fantastic birthday!