Director and script writer Rafi has confirmed that Dileep starrer ‘Ringmaster’ will release on April 12th. This will put the movie in direct competition with Prithviraj’s ‘7th Day’ and Mammootty’s ‘Gangster’, both of which come out the day before.
Dileep plays a dog trainer named Prince in this comedy entertainer, performing with over two dozen dogs and two special ones as his companions. Particularly to be noted is the dance sequence with the canine stars in it which is a little outside conventional norms of Mollywood, to put it mildly. The actor is said to have undergone special training to bring forth realism in his character.
Honey Rose, who plays an actress with some negative shades and Keerthi Suresh, who plays a blind girl, take on the female leads in the flick. Keerthi took over from Mia George, who was initially chosen to play the part in the movie.
The last film with memorable hilarity between Dileep and a dog, was his own production and starring success – ‘C.I.D Moosa’.
Let’s hope this one manages to tickle the fans’ funny bones as well.