She may conveniently avoid the speculation of having a real life relationship with co-star Ranveer Singh, but Deepika Padukone opened up about her thoughts on working with him at a recent press meet in Mumbai. Talking to PTI, Deepika stated that she is happy that her on screen chemistry with Ranveer Singh is appreciated by the audience. The couple sizzled like no other in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Ram Leela and are set to do a repeat of the same with Bhansali’s next project, Bajirao Mastani.
“I think the chemistry that Ranveer and I shared in the film really clicked. I think chemistry is something which two actors bring to the character. We both were lucky that we got to be a part of a strong love story that had strong characters and director like Sanjay Leela Bhansali. I hope whatever film Ranveer and I do next is as good as or even better than Ram Leela’ she expressed.
When asked about if she will be working with Ranveer Singh in Bajirao Mastani for sure, the actress was careful – “We are still working out the logistics. The only film that I can talk about is Imtiaz Alis’ next with Ranbir Kapoor. We start shooting for it in July. Besides this there are a couple of films in the pipeline but nothing has been finalised” she said.
Deepika further conveyed her admiration for more and more women oriented subjects ruling the Bollywood off late – “I think it is a great time for actresses in Bollywood. Gone are the days when actresses were just treated as prop. There are some really interesting scripts and films being made with actresses playing some strong roles. In the films that I have done, I have played strong women characters”