1 Crore queen of Bollywood, Deepika Padukone offered her prayers to Lord Venkateshwara in Tirupati on Tuesday. The pretty actress riding on the top wore a simple white Anarkali and white dupatta, tying her hair in a bun, as she walked into the abode of Lord Balaji. Deepika was accompanied by her select close friends. The versatile leggy lass showed that she has what it takes to be on the top league of stars in the present lot.
Deepika had a success wave last year, with all her films doing splendid at the Box Office. The biggest blockbuster was undoubtedly Chennai Express, where she played a South Indian girl opposite Shah Rukh Khan. Then came Ram Leela, directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali that redefined her talent and sex appeal. Deepika co-starred with her rumoured boyfriend Ranveer Singh in this love story that showcases the clash of communities and the entangled lovers who fight back. The film’s steamy scenes and songs showing Deepika intimate with Ranveer sparked off the possible real life affair too.
The couple substantiated the same when Deepika paid visit to Ranveer while in the hospital but took the back door to avoid the paparazzi.
Interestingly, Deepika will be seen playing some good roles in big ticktes this year as well. She is set to play the female lead in Karan Johar’s Shuddhi and Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Bajirao Mastani.
Ranveer Singh will once again co-star with his leading lady in the Bhansali project as the male protagonist.