Actress Deepika Padukone sure knows how to give selective answers. While interacting with PTI yesterday, the number one heroine of Bollywood gave some careful answers to the many questions hurled about her two contemplated projects this year, Bajirao Mastani and Shuddhi.
“If there are two mega projects happening at the same time, it is difficult to accommodate both the films. I will let you know which film I will do. It is not about giving preference to one film over the other. It is more about the film and the character that excites you at that point” she said.
There are many doubts prevailing as to whether Deepika is still on for Karan Johar’s Shuddhi.
“I will let you all know about the project. You all will know soon” she said, without divulging even a hint.
It is a well-known fact that the actress on top had dates issues between Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Bajirao Mastani and Kara Johar’s Shuddhi. While Bhansali’s team had officially confirmed that Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are the final pair for the project, Deepika’s confirmation to have given dates for Shuddhi remains.
Karan Johar took to Twitter lately, expressing angry tweets over the prevailing rumours about the casting of Shuddhi. After Hrithik Roshan and Kareena Kapoor walking out of the project, the film maker has been struggling to find the perfect cast for the screen adapatation of The Immortals of Meluha that so requires perfection. Aamir Khan was rumoured to be the next choice that was rubbished off by the film maker. More details to be announced soon.