Tollywood Buxom beauty Anushka is facing legal problems from the past four years with the land in near to Madhurawada. Today (December 6th) the Bhemili court has issued summons to Sweety Anushka, so Anushka has to attend before the court on December 26th.
Going to matter Four years ago Anushka has been purchased a land at Boyapalem area in Madhurawada circle of Bheemili from a person called Bullireddy, but actually that site belongs to an NRI called Lingmurthy.
Although the site belongs to Lingamurthy, Bullireddy sold to Anushka made GPA from Bulli Reddy. So Lingmurthy went to court on this site. Court was asked Anushka to appear before the court several times but she failed to attend before the court and she was not tried to settle this matter out of the court also, so now court sent summons.