Mega Star Chiranjeevi attended the pre-release event of the movie Vinaya Vidheya Rama and wished the entire film unit a grand success. The actor spoke for some good time at the event and he has also made an announcement on his upcoming project.
Speaking at the event, Chiranjeevi has heaped praises on the film’s producer DVV Danayya. Chiranjeevi said that Danayya is a good producer and he also grabbed an opportunity to work with him. Adding further, Chiranjeevi said, “Charan set a wonderful project for me in Danayya production. Matala Mantrikudu Trivikram Srinivas is going to work with me on this and I am so happy to be associated with him as we were actually planning to work together for a long time now.” said Chiranjeevi.
The fans are literally excited for this combination on the celluloid.