It was last year that singer Chinmayi Sripada and actor Rahul Ravindran met and fell in love. Unlike most celeb relationships, theirs went steady and without drama. It didn’t take long for the couple to make the relationship public and get their families’ blessing for the wedding. And finally, the big day is drawing close – May 6! The venue is going to be a hotel in Chennai and the function itself is rumoured to be planned as a low key one, with just close family and friends.
It’s refreshing to see love being celebrated with simplicity and elegance in the glamorous world of show business. And the unique nature of this joyous event doesn’t stop there…
Apparently, the couple do not want the function to be filled shallow gestures of gifts and flower bouquets but rather something meaningful meant to serve a legitimate purpose. So, instead of gifts, the happy couple have asked their guests to donate money to the 17,000 ft Foundation in Ladakh.
Talk about spreading the joy!
So, as we wish the soon to be married lovers a very happy and blissful married life, let’s also hope that other celebs take a cue from this event and perhaps use their enormous influence and showbiz stardoms to achieve more meaningful and socially charitable ends as well.