Bandla Ganesh, popular producer in Tollywood film industry, got super hit success with the film “Gabbar Singh” in 2011. This venture minted huge collections at the box office. It seems that this producer didn’t pay back the money he borrowed from his friend, Dharam Teja, who hails from Guntur.
As per the story, Bandla Ganesh borrow 80 lakhs from Dharam Teja saying that he will give rights of “Gabbar Singh” for a region. Dharam Teja, who is a financier, gave the amount to Bandla Ganesh in 2011. His complaint says that he didn’t receive any money from the producer till date. He stated that he lodged a complaint seeking justice.
Bandla Ganesh is yet to respond on this. As “GAV” is set to hit the screens, it will be tough for Bandla Ganesh to handle this case. He may settle down the issue before it turns big and affects “GAV” release.