Caste and Samaikyandhra issues for Junior NTR

Following his father Harikrishna’s resignation that was taken badly by the protestors in Telangana, Junior NTR has more than one issue to deal with. There are protests raging from anti Kamma caste groups in Andhra and his own clan, The Nandamuris. The star did not show up at Balakrishna’s daughter Tejaswini’s wedding recently, leaving a bad impression in the inner circles. The sources from Andhra say that anti Kamma groups protest his film, Ramayya Vastavayya, to be released even there. The big ticket film directed by Harish Shankar was all planned to release on September 27th. But given the agitations post state divide and various caste based groups joining hands to strike at vulnerable stars of tollywood, one wonders what will happen to the fate of all these costly projects waiting in line to see the light of the day.

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