She may have entered with an ‘adult star’ tag into the confines of Bollywood, but Sunny Leone proved that turning misery into gold comes in various shapes and forms. The same can be said about her own success story, especially after her film Ragini MMS2 has been declared to be a hit at Box Office. Despite the odds and speculations as to how the film would fare, the brand called Sunny Leone definitely helped the movie to get the leverage it so deserved.
Ragini MMS2, a sequel to the original thriller Ragini MMS, turned out to be yet another instalment of the genre, getting mixed reviews. However, the film is still scoring at B and C centres, one reason being constant – Sunny Leone is in the film. The film analysts speculate that Ragini MMS 2 will continue to do well on the wake of its second weekend at the theatres everywhere.
Leone could not be happier. The movie really helped her create a win win situation, both for herself and the producer Ekta Kapoor, who so believed in her capabilities. The married actress, who flaunts a great number of followers thanks to her sex appeal and oomph factor, thanked the audience who welcomed her as an actor this time, at the recent success meet of the film.
Sunny Leone’s feat with Yo Yo Honey Singh, Chaar Bottal Vodka, is trending heavily on video hosting sites and the music chart busters, not to forget in the collection of the DJ’s everywhere.