Nearly after eight years, Megastar Amitabh Bachchan and Boman Irani will seen sharing the screen space together. Boman, who was appreciated for his performance in Bhoothnath, will play the role of a corrupt politician in the sequel, Bhoothnath Returns. Amitabh plays the friendly ghost who haunts Boman to scare him.
When director Nitesh Tiwari was not prepared for a particular scene, he approached Boman to help pen the dialogues and the scene. Boman not only penned some effective dialogues and the screenplay, but also demonstrated the scene in front of the film crew that was awe struck with his performance.
Apparently, Irani hit and slapped himself, enacting as if a ghost is doing that to him. An incredible actor that he is, the technicians were left amazed with his great skills. Writing is a great talent and making a scene in no time plus the dialogues is excellent.
Bhoothnath Returns is a horror comedy that will see Big B reprising the friendly ghost who fights the evil for good. The film has been constantly in news off late, with accusations flying against the content in various ways. The controversies apart, the film will see a court hearing on the two cases filed – one by a writer who says that the idea was lifted from his literary works and the other by a social activist who slammed an ad commercial promoting the movie, showing Amitabh dressed like
a ghost. The activist stated that the commercial promoted the belief system about evil spirits and ghosts and created the advancement of the existence of black magic.
The film is set to release on April 11th Worldwide.