The entire Bollywood, including writer Chetan Bhagat seems to be under the magical spell of 2 States. Hardly was the film screened for select film fraternity at Mumbai today and the stars took to tweeting all about it. Evidently, Arjun Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have emerged as winners in terms of performance and talent in the film.
From what the tweets go, we see a commercial hit happening with audience tomorrow!
Take a look at some of the tweets incoming on 2 States by the actors and technicians in Bollywood. Not to forget the critics reviews retweeted by K Jo and Mahesh Bhatt!
sujoy ghosh @sujoy_g
its scary how good alia bhatt is in 2 STATES and arjun and amrita singh and ronit roy and shankar ehsan loy and abhishek varman and namrata
Despite the length, Two states is OUTSTANDING. And after HIghway Alia Bhatt pitches another standout performance. Arjun kapoor is superb too
Retweeted by Mahesh Bhatt
Chetan Bhagat ✔ @chetan_bhagat
I like this handle name @Aliaaholic. There’ll be many more by this weekend. Lucky Alia.
Whether u have read d book or not (like me) I bet u will enjoy Two States (like I did). It’s entertaining. Alia-Arjun r so good together.
Retweeted by Karan Johar
2 States is a must watch film. Fresh, superb performances & direction. Kudos @karanjohar #2states
Retweeted by Karan Johar
Alia & Arjun are lovely in 2 States. Superb casting & fresh. Abhishek Varman is a star @karanjohar @chetan_bhagat @aliaa08 #2states
Retweeted by Karan Johar
sujoy ghosh @sujoy_g
if i start i’ll go on forever but go see 2 STATES if you can. i loved it. the superb cast, music(oh the music!).. thank you abhishek varman
Chetan Bhagat ✔ @chetan_bhagat
Adding 2 tasks on your to-do list: 1. Vote. 2. Watch 2 States. The first one is more important.The 2nd one is a special treat for yourself!
taran adarsh ✔ @taran_adarsh
#2States movie review: One of the finest movies to come out of the Hindi film industry of late!