After making an impressive debut in Bollywood with Raanjhanaa, Dhanush will be teaming up with none other than megastar Amitabh Bachchan in R Balki’s next untitled project. This will also mark the debut of Akshara Haasan, younger daughter of Kamal Haasan, who will be paired opposite the Kolaveri sensation.
Big B is all excited about this project. He had earlier worked with Balki in some impressive films like Cheeni Kum and Paa, and the duo is set to strike the chord once again.
“…Rushed to meet people from distant worlds, admirers that have long been desiring a personal interaction. .switched soon thereafter to a make-up room for the look test for Balki’s film, which I start shooting within a week” he tweeted excitedly.
There was a long anticipation from the audience as to what Dhanush would take up next, especially after breaking the norms and standing out with a commendable screen presence in Raanjhanaa, despite his ‘out of the zone’ South looks that would least impress up North. Dhanush had been choosing projects carefully ever since, in both Bollywood and Tamil domain.
The south actor remains unfazed with his phenomenal success in both the worlds, after metamorphosing into a complete actor with some intense roles. Though the plot of the film is still unknown, we can vouch for the fact that it will be a typical R Balki movie bringing together Megastar and Dhanush in a great setting.
Akshara Haasan is set and raring to go with Bollywood innings with this movie.