Sharing a great peer camaraderie, Megastar Amitabh Bachchan and star daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan launched the trailer of Superstar Rajinikanth’s upcoming opus, Kochadaiiyan. The event was a buzz with the glorious Bachchan parivaar making time to unveil Rajini’s film teaser. While Ash looked dazzling in a Pankaj and Nidhi Anarkali outfit, Big B looked classy in his dark grey blazer. Aishwarya’s mom Vrinda Rai also attended the event along with the Bachchans.
Kochadaiiyan, directed by Soundarya Rajinikanth Ashwin, the daughter of Tamil superstar is a 3 D film with techno effects on the story of a warrior, Kochadaiyaan. The movie underwent a massive making, roping in the Hollywood technicians coupled with elaborate post production work. Deepika Padukone plays the female lead for the first time opposite Rajini in this magnum opus. The music has been composed by the Madras Mozart A R Rahman.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Rajinikanth have earlier worked together in Robo, a sci-fi film on the humanoid robot that was dubbed into many languages including Hindi. The bonding between the two families has been affectionate ever since.
Talking about Soundarya’s efforts, Big B had the following to say – “A woman has shown what man could not..Kochadaiiyan film of Rajinikanth directed by daughter Soundarya…first motion capture film” he tweeted on his microblogging site.
The celebrities from the tinsel town got down to be a part of the launch. The list included personalities like Kajol, Goving Nihalani, Anupam Kher, Ramesh Sippy, Kiran Juneja, Kunal Roy Kapur, Neeta Lulla etc., who were seen in their lighter selves on the occasion.