Backbench Student Review

Rating: 1.00/5

Critic Rating: (1.00/5)

Missed out on writing the review for Madhura Sreedhar’s second film inventively titled ‘It’s My Love Story’. In short, it sucked (big time) and his third film that is out this week let me keep my opinion intact, yeah! This one sucked too (big time).


Priyanka flies back to India from The US with a year left for her in college.She flies back because of an overly elaborate dream of breaking up with her boyfriend (Karthik).

On the shore of Vizag they meet again, but, Karthik isn’t what he used to be.He is dressed neatly and earning a lot of money unlike his college days where he dressed neatly and had 16 backlogs. But, Karthik isn’t his sunshine self anymore, something is eating away at the core of his existence (you know how painful poorly scripted girl trouble is, it’s just so painful and horrible and shouldn’t happen to anyone). He can’t seem to gather himself from the pain of his troubled relationship with Chaitra as the film intercuts to his college days and the Priyanka love story.

What were the standards again?

The film had many parts where the lips wouldn’t sync (the three non-Telugu leads mostly getting it wrong) and many parts had focus issues. Shorts these days have better focus pullers.

It was the bore of mild characterization attached to actors who would rather use their hands while saying the most forcefully written dialogue in a film with sub-standard editing with no sync dialogue and focus issues. There, now I think I made my point about why this isn’t big screen worthy.


Hate it when they publicize about how quickly and cheaply this or the rest of Sreedhar’s films are made. Because when a basic standard is not cared for, the purely (boring) business interest of it is seems wrong and dangerous.

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