It shocked Malayalam movie fans recently, when they learned that until he was awarded the National Award for the Best Actor, the state award jury hadn’t even nominated Suraj Venjaaramoodu in their list. And when indeed they announced their winners, Suraj was declared the Best Comedian and not the Best Actor!
This gesture seemed offensive to many, who were already raising questions about the jury panel of this year’s state awards and the reports that they were negligent in watching all the movies in their nominee lists.
In any case, the people have been expecting some kind of a sharp or perhaps even strong reaction from Suraj, but to everyone’s surprise Suraj accepted the honour graciously and commented that he was just happy for the recognition!
Director B. Unnikrishnan, who is currently busy with his upcoming Mohanlal starrer Mr. Fraud, was especially moved by Suraj’s reaction to what might be perceived as an insult, and posted this Facebook update praising Suraj and asking other to follow the exemplary suit:
“Suraj, I really respect you. The way you reacted to the media after the announcement of the award is really commendable and is an example.
You just took an easy mode for the awards you received at the National and State level. Suraj is really an example to all those who are lost with pride and prejudice when received with an award and for all those who show their grudge when not awarded.”
From fans everywhere – Good form Suraj, keep up the attitude and bring on the movies! Proud of you!