Legendary playback singer Asha Bhosale is known for not mincing her words. Even Salman Khan has been a target of her sharp remarks, and this time she trained her guns on the Mumbai Police. She criticised the force at a function on March 1, accusing it of being uncultured.
Asha’s stinging comments stunned a distinguished gathering of academicians at the Yeshwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMO) in Nashik which had come to witness an honorary D.Litt. being conferred on the singer.
In the acceptance speech, the singer suddenly launched a verbal attack on the Mumbai police, saying that they had no manners, didn’t know how to talk to common citizens and lacked culture.
She claimed that there were times when she dreaded the prospect of being confronted by policemen on the roads and at traffic signals in Mumbai.
"They need to be educated on how to deal with the people in a decent and civilized manner," she asserted.
Earlier, the university conferred an honorary D.Litt. on her in the presence of Maharashtra Governor K. Sankaranarayanan, YMCOU vice-chancellor K. Krishnakumar and other prominent invitees.(IANS)