Bollywood star Imran Khan, who gave a voice over in Hollywood hit Rio, predicts that animated movies will be big time in mainstream Indian cinema in the years to come. He said this as he was standing up in support of Rajnikanth’s animetd mega flick Kochadaiiyaan, which, in spite of a huge budget of Rs. 125 crores, has been criticized by the fans for its quality of animation work compared to the Hollywood products.
Imraan, however, sees the issue another way. He feels that if a superstar like Rajni can be part of something new and exciting like this epic movie, so can other actors. He also mentioned a little known fact that many Hollywood motion pictures, animated and live action, often outsource their work to Mumbai based companies when it comes to animation and CGI.
“So it isn’t a case of lack of talent in our country when it comes to these things, it’s a problem of no budgets for them.” Says Imraan.
He also rightly pointed out that animated movies only gained popularity in mainstream Hollywood in the last decade and a half. Even to the extent of getting best picture academy award nominations like Toy Story 3 – right alongside live action movies.
Imraan believes the same thing will happen in Indian cinema in the next decade or so, and Rajni’s Kochadaiiyaan has set the benchmark and is just the beginning.