Megastar Amitabh Bachchan was spotted on Saturday in Mumbai at the special screening of his upcoming horror comedy flick, Bhoothnath Returns. The acting legend watched the film with filmmaker R Balki and his director wife Gauri Shinde. Jaya Bachchan also accompanied her husband for the screening.
Bhoothnath Returns is a sequel to the original hit Bhoothnath, and stars Big B playing the adorable friendly ghost who fights the prevailing evils in the society.
The movie was recently embroiled in various controversies, with accusations and petitions filed by social activist and a writer. The character Bhoothnath who appeared in an ad commercial for children showed Big B as Bhoothnath, and an activist from Mumbai slammed the charges that the commercial promoted the belief in the existence of ghosts and spirits and propagated the practice of black magic.
The second accusation was filed as a plea by a writer, who complained that the story of the sequel was lifted from his literary works without prior consent. High court is due to hear both the appeals shortly. However, the film is still on scheduled to release as per the plan and no stop was issued so far.
Amitabh Bachchan also appeared recently on the popular show, Comedy Nights with Kapil, promoting Bhoothnath Returns. The show saw the megastar really participate, interacting with his fans and laugh away to the cheesy jokes cut by the show participants. Furthermore, Big B also sang his trademark song ‘Mere Angane mein’ from his hit film Laawaris, astounding his fans totally.